Monday, November 30, 2015

Media Literacy

Social media has taken the world by storm through dozens of websites, mobile apps, and other forms of technologies improving the way people communicate with each other. There are social media sites that have millions of members allowing them to share photos, videos, text messages, and more on a regular basis. 

Last November 25, 2015, the APC RAMpage held a seminar about Media Literacy. Their objective is to develop sense of social responsibility among RAMpage team and ofcourse APCians. In line with this, they invited 3 Guest speakers from GMA Network. These 3 lovely ladies are Ms. Sophia Balod, Ms. Lian Buan and Ms. Edmallyne Remillano.They are all writers from the State of the Nation with Jessica Soho, apart from it they are also writers of a blog called It was a 4 hour talk and to make it short they've discussed tips on how to effectively write a story and the role of social media in our society. 

I have learned so many things during the seminar  like, stop posting status or whatever that is senseless, that is not important at all. Although, it is our right to express our feelings, we should think that there are more important matters that needs attention especially news all over the world. Another thing, we should be aware that whatever we do, whatever the thing that we're going to trend is what the social media produce. We are feeding them a lot of bullshit that will not affect our lives. To top it all, it all starts within our self. We should be responsible users of social media as  a mean of transporting stories that can affect our everyday life.

1 comment:

  1. Please complete your blog posts. The remaining 4 are all required topics.
    Ms Eliz
